THEN when we rocked up to the Pavillions on time, the rest of our group took between half an hour and an hour to show up! The cheek of it.
So we sat down for dinner (typical mass catering standard) and pretty much died of dehydration as we were only given 2 bottles of still water between 12, and the drinks waitress never returned with more despite our attempts to order some.
Then there was the inevitable 'professional' photographer and dancing.

There was a general Michael Jackson overkill, but that was to be expected I suppose. 10 of his songs in a row was a bit much though, as good as they are.
THEN we headed into Harrogate, only to have trouble in Rev's when A's bf was refused entry because he accidently dropped his bus pass when he got out his ID, which obviously had a different name and photo on them to the passport he was trying to use. Smooth. So we spent some time trying to convince them to give us the passport back, and in the end he had to call his parents and be picked up, which left A in a bad mood as would be expected.
Since Rev's was pretty much deserted [tbh, I have no idea why we went there in the first place, when the offical after-party that EVERYONE would be at was at Moko's and Rev's is ridiculously overpriced] we headed to Moko's, where I FINALLY got some alcohol down me. By this point it was almost gone 12 and I was thirsty as well as wanting to get some alcohol in the system.
Moko's was fun, as usual, although I really wouldn't recommend wearing a ball dress there again, it was crazy hot. Lots of laughter, lots of dancing and lots of photos, before we decided to call it a night, to get home for about 3.
I wish I was more of a night person. By 2 I'm pretty much dead, it's pretty annoying. Practice makes perfect I guess! xo