Feelin' festive... finally!Things finally feel like Christmas now that we have a tree and I've exchanged presents with my bestie. We kinda pulled puppydog eyes on my mum so she would grudgingly let us open each other's gift today. Never underestimate the power of the puppydog eyes!
She got me this absolutely gorgeous jewellery figure to try and keep at least some of my many, many pieces organised. She even matched it to my wall colour, bless!

At the moment it's sat on top of my book, 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest', which I'm really getting into now. Although I'm a bit annoyed that my Psychology teacher revealed what happens to McMurphy at the end. Even if she did it accidentally. Grrr.
What else... oh yes, I'm yet to do any revision for my Psych re-sit on the 8th of January. If I fail, it will be all my fault and I will kick myself until I can't walk. But on the plus side, I've rediscovered my love (and talent, heh) for the Wii! Although I'm not sure if that can really count as a plus. I waste far too much time on it.
So for now I will leave you with a Merry Christmas wish. I'm off to watch some awsome Christmas tv, woop!