Wednesday, 31 December 2008

So Long 2008!

And roll on 2009!

I have a good feeling about '09 :) just like I had a wierd/bad feeling about '08 and that turned out to be a pretty crappy year. So I'm trusting my gut instinct to lead me through a new year and new experiences.

I don't really have any resolutions... just to live life to the full hopefully. I'm gonna follow the advice of a chain-mail text my friend sent me this morning. Normally I just delete the damn things, but this one seemed quite fitting.

2009 is at the door... Remember, life is short
Break the rules
Forgive quickly
Kiss slowly
Love truly
Laugh uncontrollably
and never regret anything that made you smile
Happy New Year everyone. I'm off to a friend's tonight for a girls' night in and a night of DVDs, laughter and Wii boxing. Ciao for now!


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