Sunday, 15 March 2009

In which Demi is ill

So I managed to come down with some sort of fusion of the flu and a cold. Yay me. Although I'm pretty proud that this is the first time I've been properly ill since September. Normally my useless immune system would have failed me many times over by now. It also got me the day off work, since Mum rang in and announced I was in no fit state to work. I can tell my boss will be even less impressed with me than he already is when I get back to work next week.
Found out that Mum accidently spent £80 on my debit card, since it was the last one registered on the QVC website, and she's given me the money back. I now have itchy fingers and racing images of everything I want to buy. I'm dying for a casual boyfriend blazer and some pumps. Like primary school pumps. Cuuute. And a some new dresses. And a million other things.
Found some pictures I've been meaning to post. This is the outfit I wore to the Nottingham Uni visit day for English applicants.

Coat - Dorothy Perkins, Scarf - Mum's , Bag - Ollie&Nic, jeans - New Look

Knit top - Et Vous at Matalan, Boots - Matalan, Bracelets - Vintage and presents.

The friends I went with were laughing at me the whole day since I couldn't stop staring at all the students. I went to the Open Day in the summer, but it obviously wasn't term time then, whereas this was mid-Feb so everyone was there. Suffice to say I recieved a lot of weird looks from the students I was gawking. It also gave me an idea of what everyone wears around the campus. I was slightly disgusted by the amount of boys just wearing a hoody and tracksuit bottoms. Where is your style?!? Gahh.

I also found this pic my Dad snapped of me in the special lounge of Amsterdam airport on the way back from skiing. It makes me cringe and chuckle equally.

I should really put more effort into what I wear when travelling. Ahh well.

More soon, after I hand in The Project From Hell - aka my English Lang coursework, which is due tomorrow.

Save me. xo

Saturday, 7 March 2009

In which Demi gets her act together. Finally.

I am possibly the laziest person I know, apart from my brother. Hence the absence. I could blame other stuff (hello English coursework, job, parties, skiing and much more) but I won't.

Decided to spruce up the ol' blog a bit. They didn't have the right purple I wanted, so I'm sticking with blue for a bit longer.

Today hopefully marks a new start for me. It's now March; I leave school in 10 weeks (dear lord); I've finally accepted my place at Nottingham Uni; my leavers hoody arrives next week; I pick the comments for my leavers book; and I'm about to start my revision, once I finish this weekend's Spring Clean. Which has taken about 4 hours so far, and is nowhere near over.

Although I did find some adorable old souvenirs from childhood, including the Valentine's Day card I received from my first 'boyfriend', aged 10. Inside it read:
Roses are red, Violets are blue
Tulips are beautiful and so are you.
It's just a shame he spelt my name wrong. Bless.