Saturday, 7 March 2009

In which Demi gets her act together. Finally.

I am possibly the laziest person I know, apart from my brother. Hence the absence. I could blame other stuff (hello English coursework, job, parties, skiing and much more) but I won't.

Decided to spruce up the ol' blog a bit. They didn't have the right purple I wanted, so I'm sticking with blue for a bit longer.

Today hopefully marks a new start for me. It's now March; I leave school in 10 weeks (dear lord); I've finally accepted my place at Nottingham Uni; my leavers hoody arrives next week; I pick the comments for my leavers book; and I'm about to start my revision, once I finish this weekend's Spring Clean. Which has taken about 4 hours so far, and is nowhere near over.

Although I did find some adorable old souvenirs from childhood, including the Valentine's Day card I received from my first 'boyfriend', aged 10. Inside it read:
Roses are red, Violets are blue
Tulips are beautiful and so are you.
It's just a shame he spelt my name wrong. Bless.

1 comment:

DaisyChain said...

Oh how exciting, I remember my leaving school days!