1. I TURNED 18 FINALLY!! Yes indeeeeeed, it took long enough to roll around, but it's here at last. Only problem is all my friends have been so busy, whether it's working, being on holiday or seeing their Other Halves that I'm yet to buy my first legal drink! My poor drivers license is sat sullenly in my wallet.
I got a bunch of stuff, but my favourite thing is my new bracelet. Thank you, Mum and Dad!!

It's by a woman called Alexis Dove so if you fancy a nice piece of jewellery, check her out!
2. I've taken on a second job, hence the title of this post. I'm now working in a call centre 9.30-4, Mon-Fri, on top of my waitressing job over the weekend. On the one hand I'm really regretting getting the job. I mean seriously, it's SUMMER. The last summer I'll be spending with my high school friends to be precise. With these two jobs I will effectively have no life. But then I think of the fact that in just 6 weeks I will have earnt over a thousand pounds, and it seems worth it. I'd be so proud of myself if I could earn that much, not to mention how much it would help my parents, who have myself AND my brother to send to Uni this year.
3. Shopping galooooore, with my birthday money! I ordered some silver jewellery under strict instructions from my aunt to splurge and buy myself something special with her money. I have WAYYY too much jewellery as it is, but I couldn't resist. More on that when they get shipped. Next there was my shopping trip the other day with my friends, which resulted in a gorgeous Grecian-style dress for my birthday party and this slightly awesome, kooky sheer lace top. Pictures of them soon.
4. My annual (or bi-annual at this stage, score!) check-up this week. I know this kinda seems out of the blue, as I haven't mentioned it before on here. I'm not even sure how many people actually read this... Anyway, I suppose I should explain; I have regular check-ups at the doctors because when I was a baby I had cancer.
There wasn't much to report, but I'm due some blood tests and kidney tests, as it's been 5yrs since my last ones. Also I've asked to have a fertility test, since there's a strong risk the chemo I had ruined any chance of me being able to have a baby. I'm 18 now, so I figure I'm old enough to know. But to be perfectly honest, if it IS bad news, I don't know if I'll be able to handle it.
ANYWAY to cheer me up, Mum treated me to this gorgeous shirt dress while we were shopping for dinner in Tesco after the hospital appointment.

Shirt dress: Tesco; Leggings: Matalan; Bag: Aldo; Bracelet: Alexis Dove
It's actually made of REAL flannel and is so snuggly I wore it out despite the fact it's the middle of summer :)
More soon when my stuff arrives! xo
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