Sunday, 18 July 2010

In which Demi misses routine.

Last night I didn't manage to settle down and sleep until almost 5am. Light was seeping out from the crack under my curtains, and a quick peek out of them confirmed I'd unintentionally stayed up until dawn again. Wasting time on the internet. Reading. Playing with the cats.And it looks like I'm heading the same way agan tonight.

Ishouldbesleeping. Ishouldbesleeping. Ishouldbesleeping.

Jobless and stranded a good 5 minute drive from my closest (geographically) friend, and about 20 minute drive from town and nightlife, I am finding myself slipping into an almost half existance. Morning consists of the endless hours before sleep - since when I wake up it tends to be closer to lunchtime than breakfast. I'm exercising, driving, doing the weekly shop; anything I can seize to keep me occupied. I miss the ease of living with 150 other teens. I miss having a bus stop practically outside the front door, with a cheap bus into town every 6 minutes or so.

I miss spontanaity, the basis of my university routine.

How ironic. xo.
 [What do you do when you're bored, it's the middle of the night and you have a spare mattress...?]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember this. This was how I met you. Lured you into liking me with Domino's.