Saturday, 8 January 2011

In which Demi wonders

At what point in this year did Uni work go from interesting to the bane of my existance?

I had a meltdown before I'd even go out of bed today. My mum took pity on me and drew my curtains again. Dad came in and asked me how bad the situation would be if I just... didn't do my last essay?

Bad, Dad. Very bad, is the answer.

I emerged from my cocoon around 4pm, and have since armed myself with chocolate and tea to try again. An hour and a half later, I am yet to write a word.

Setting 8000 words, even over a 4 week period, with an extra 2 exams to revise for, is just asking for shoddy quality essays. It's inevitable. There is simply nothing left in me. No energy. No creativity. Nothing. I'm spent. And still 2000 words to go.

Easter will be interesting. 14,000 words worth of essays to keep me entertained.

I really wish someone would jump out and yell "punk'd" already... xo

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