Sunday, 27 February 2011

In which Demi dips her toe in the PR pool.

I've just sent off my first message regarding a potential PR internship or work experience over the summer to my ideal company. They're clearly very up-to-date, funky and have an extremely impressive arrray of clients. Even better, it's actually a branch of a huge London firm that's opened 'oop North' in the last few years, much to my delight (as much as a London placement would be great, it would be far too expensive to get there, never mind stay there.) I'm a jittery mess; partly because I want to work there so much, and partly because it's my first steps into real adulthood, in the way that my 18th was more of a drunken stumble...

It's the first real stepping stone into a job post-University. The idea of being finished at University, shelving all of my books and essays and highlighters, and suiting up for work every day makes me simultaneously shiver with excitement and fear.

Excitement, because I really do, genuinely, think I would be great at PR.

Fear because graduation is the last boundary I must cross from 'youth' to 'adult'. And I can only hope that in 18 months or so I will feel slightly more prepared for that eventuality than I do right now.

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