Tuesday, 29 March 2011

In which Demi starts to panic... again.

Nonononononnononononnonono I was so sure I was on top of everything! I finished one essay 2 weeks early for God's sake!

Why did I do so veryvery little last week?!?!

Suddenly the end of term is looming. Not even on the far horizon, I'll be home in less than a week! And while part of me can't wait, the more sensible side is screaming, raging against the flimsy barriers I put up in my subconscious to drown it out, just for a little while. I worked hard, I deserve a little break, I said.

Fast forward a week and I'm facing 4 weeks and 11,000 words. Yoooooooooooou muppet. Anticipating many, many, many late nights. Gahh.

 Tonight's entertainment.

On the plus side, I now have 3 offers of summer work experience, including the big London-based firm I reallyreallyreally wanted to hear from. Just gotta get through the next 3 months first! xo

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