Friday, 3 June 2011

In which Demi has some down time.

In my humble opinion, there is nothing better than home comforts. I've popped back up North for a few days to fully recharge my batteries after the hectic exam period. While there may not have been a big difference between doing very little at Uni and very little at home, once I got here I knew I'd made the right decision. Thanks go to my housemate Sugar at Girl, Introspective for pushing me into realising I needed to come back. Seeing my mum's face split into a massive grin as I staggered out of the coach station suddenly made the 2 and a half hr journey worth it. Splaying out on the sofa with my brother and sister watching a film together eclipsed watching a film alone in the middle of the night when I can't sleep. Bantering with my dad in person always triumphs over phone calls.

It's been a pretty rough year for my family, but to be able to have moments like these last few days reminds me of how simple and unconditional our love for each other is. And it's nice to remember that I don't have to play grown-up all the time.

On a side-note, thanks to my brother choosing the film, I am now in love with the Tron: Legacy soundtrack, which is composed entirely by Daft Punk. I'm not normally one to get really into movie soundtracks, but this one is absolutely brilliant. I have a feeling it will come in handy next year - I often find that I work best to instrumental music, or songs with few lyrics, so I'm not tempted to sing along. Pendulum's Immersion was my album of choice this year. If you haven't checked it out yet, I thoroughly recommend! xo.

I leave you with my adorable, if somewhat daft, cat Liquorice :)

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