Sunday, 10 July 2011

In which Demi is kinda grossed out...

I make no secret of the fact that I love make-up. I love wearing it, collecting it, trying new things out. I own enough products to stock my own shop practically. I'm not blessed with the kind of skin where I can just sweep a bit of blush and mascara on and walk out the door. Oh no, I wear a primer, 2 types of foundation, bronzer, blush, eyeshadow, mascara... and that's just my daily routine. My going-out face can take about half an hour to put on.

However, I like to think that I apply make-up quite well. One friend once sat and watched me apply my many layers in stunned silence, only breaking it to ask what bottle or tube I was adding to the mix. By the time I was finished, all she could say was 'I had no idea you wore so much, it looks like you only wear a bit!' Which, for me, is what I'm after. I don't like to look like I'm caked in the stuff (despite the fact that I tend to be....) I have friends that slap foundation on as if they're plastering a wall, and with a product about two shades off their actual skin tone. It's taken many years and a LOT of practice, but I've finally found a routine that - I think, at least - makes me look the way I believe make-up should help you look: like you, but on a really good day. So that you can pretend that yes, I did roll out of bed looking like this.

Which is why I'm equally fascinated and repelled by this video, in which a pair of artists apply 365 layers of daily make-up onto a model's face... all in one day.

Maybe I'll try using only one type of foundation after all.... Better post tomorrow, about my work experience part II. xo.

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