Saturday, 12 November 2011

In which Demi has cracked on.

Two essays down (sort of). One to go. Progress!

Yay, annotation!... Sending me cuckoo.
Everyone's getting cranky at this point in the term. Our social lives have shrivelled up into nothingness, and I can't even remember the last time I went out dancing. Next Friday's trip to the student club (haven) Ocean cannot come quick enough, once these essays have been polished off and handed in.

Me and two of my housemates took a break from tearing our hair out to watch some happy films tonight. First up was 'Saved!', a dreadful Christian high school comedy that was as hilarious as it was bad. Followed up by 'No Strings Attached', which is most definitely my favourite rom-com everever. If only for the sheer fact that it has Natalie Portman in it, cracking awesome jokes. Paired with Ashton Kutcher. Perfection.

That, plus fizzy strawberry laces, doughnuts and copious mugs of tea (surprise surprise) have put me in a much more positive frame of mind. And a sugar high.

Arthurian Literature, beware - Demi has her work hat on! xo.

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