Thursday, 23 February 2012

In which Demi is colourfully inspired.

I need new clothes. Badly. A trip into town to score a birthday present for my housemate, and my trip to Liverpool next weekend are the perfect opportunities.

My winter wardrobe in particular is fairly drab. I open my wardrobe and am confronted with dark colours and boring, safe, old clothes. I'm dreaming of sunnier weather, now we're at the back end of winter, and of brighter colours.

So, while wasting time on the internet (instead of planning my midterm essay... standard) I ran across these incredible self-portraits, by 16 year old Cristina Otero. The bright colours, crazy make-up and bold photography has inspired me to build up a more vibrant wardrobe, and to try new shapes and colours which I would normally shy away from.

How awesome are these? The full spread and more information can be found here: Tutti Frutti!

All photos by Cristina Otero.
I'm getting ready to go see The Descendents tonight with some friends, which I'm really looking forward to. I haven't been to the cinema in forever! In other film news, I watched True Grit the other night, but was a bit... unimpressed, if I'm honest. Newcomer Hailee Steinfeld outshone both Matt Damon (although I still love him!) and Jeff Bridges if you ask me, by a clear mile. I also caught Bull Durham on BBC iPlayer one night when I couldn't sleep. I found it hilarious, but in a kinda bad-80s-movie way.

Next on the film list is A Dangerous Method hopefully. Anything as a distraction from this essay that I don't want to write. xo.

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